North Texas Spring 2023AD
The Pandamic Plague had ravaged the earth and wreck and up ended societies as we know it. Riots of various sort followed and damaged permentantly the sustainability of largest cities on the planet. Yes,everyone in Society had been victim of the plague and the riots.
Hoever,that isn't as true as one think.
Here in North Texas, my young redhair wife Nancy and I have been part of a new program. The colonization of the moon. China,Russia,Federation and other countries who cities have suffered,those that survived have found a way out. Even Washington DC has lost population and knowledge due to the colonization program. That population powershift has made even mayors of the large cities especially here in the states, not as powerful as they once were. Even rumors have been flying that even city council members have been retiring for thier own power has been reduced. Those along the East and West Coast populace corridors see thier power dwindling. It's as if the pandemic plague has reveal strength and weakness in society and governance.
As for my lovely redhair wife Nancy who has bright beautiful brown eyes,sharp mind, a dancer and fitness professional by heart, here at the small ranch, we both had this intution that earth itself could facing her last days. Now today as our ranch house AI goes through the process of shutting down the house permantly to be sold. We took care of our last minute details befor our own departure to the new frontier, the moon. For us this morning these final are our own last days on Earth and North Texas. Our own final days and weeks Nancy and I did everything from go away parties by our close friends and doing things we love to do. Sometimes together,sometimes seperate.
This late morning Nancy and I relax on our old coutch we move under the shade tree along with our duffle bags. You see we packed light for this long trip. It's a beautiful late morning,Nancy lays her head on my shoulder. "Waiting drive me nuts," she quips.
"Waiting has always drove you nuts," I add with my sense of humor. I stroke her glossy shoulder length redhair. She checks her Samsung Smartwatch. "The SpaceX jet should be landing here in next half hour."
"I know.Hard to believe we're leaving for the moon." I say.
"Yeah I love the late morning and early early afternoon horse rides we took."
I kiss her. "I miss them too."
Half an hour later...
The SpaceX passenger VSTOL lands at the makeshiff pad in front of us. The electric power exec jet lands gently and we gather our things as we now embark on our new venture. Before boarding we look back at our Victorian ranch home for the last time. Then we turn and climb on board the executive electric power VSTOL.
In a few hours we'll be leaving the gravitiy of earth. For Nancy and I a new frontier is ahead. It's as if for us the Moon is our new Manifest Destiny.The VSTOL changes her path and we see the ranch for our final time...
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