Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sept 10th the Day Before 9/11

 Long ago history back...

Looking back twenty two years ago on Monday September 10, 2001. What I recall of the day before it was the beginning of what I thourght would be a routine working week. I was working with USACE Vicksburg District, Contracing. 

I work on flex time often from 730am to 430 pm. So work that day was routine. Very routine by my perspective. I knew what to do in the office and I often knew what business my contract specialists, procrument clerks wanted. I knew district hq like the back of my hand and with contracing in the final month of wrapping up its fiscal business, things can get busy quickly. I've been with Contracing since 1988. By that time I had been with Contracting and with USACE for 13years. Looking back it sounded incredible and time rolls fast. 

What I recall since I was a GS 2 procurement clerk, us clerks were seperate in another room. It would be a few years later in post 9/11 us clerks would be together with our other professionals across the hall. Day to day work varied: from walking a an award contract to contract bid results. I never sat still. I was often on my feet doing something. Shredding for the Division Chief or replacing print toner in HP printters which I knew by model,make. serial number. At times I took breaks but not all the time. I was a phone call away and I handle business when needed. 

But that Monday was routine. I was in the local break room looking for a snack or drink when one my friends from another division came in. She told me of a chain emial. It was bizarre and from an Arab. How she described the wording I found it bizarre. We both brush it off but the chain email related to what was going down on Tuseday Sept 11. I brushed off. 

Since that Chain email I learned that on that Monday several chain emails related to Sept 11 came out. I read that chain email since I was told about it. I didn't see any clues or forehadowing to any terrorist attack on Tuesday Sept 11. 

At the time I found it bizarre. as the work day came to a close I forgot about that chain email. 

However Tueday Morning Sept 11 was going to be a different work day. Yet none of us didn't know what tommorrow as going to bring. 

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