Monday, September 11, 2017

The Tower Nightmares

Sometime Post 9/11.
Frist for a New Year's Resolution I didn't look at my varions 9/11 photobooks which I accumulated. I have one published from the New York Times and another put out by Reuters News Service. I browse through them but never look at the photos for a long time. For the tradgedy at that was fresh in my mind as it is this morning.
 Sometime in post 9/11 I had the nightmares. Mind you they weren't night terrors but vivid nightmares. The dreams surrounded the two towers of the World Trade Center. One dream I recall which woke me at 1am in the morning the towers on fire smoke shooting out blocking the blue sky of the Manhattan skyline. I woke up a bit shaken. Second most vivid dream was like a time loop: the second plane rams the second tower. The dream repeated itself over and over with such intensity I couldn't sleep. The Tower Nightmares which I believe as they should be called now proved something I had been traumatized. Though my PTSD was slight compare to those who were closer to Ground Zero I believe those New Yorkers their nightmares are move visceral than mind and more emotional. At the end of the year 2001 I did cry over what happen and the release of tears well felt better.
The dreams of the world trade center revealed something. No matter how far you are from a tragic event such as this where lives are lost, it affects you one way or the other. Ironcially when Hurricane Katrina came through in 05 I didn't have nightmares about hurricanes.
What broke the nightmare cycle:an unexpected positive dream. I was flying above the streets of the lighted skyscreapers of Manhattan. All the skyscapers were lighted in their glorious and I was flying like Superman. Then I saw the two towers in their glory lighted up and I woke up. I woke up at the sametime 1am. I went back to sleep with a better feeling.
The weeks,the nights that followed the nightmares of 9/11 disappeared.
Still I'm a 9/11 historian and I hope to add a new book to the collection about ghost sightings at the World Trade Center. Yes, ghosts and 9/11 ghost stories and encounters should be told too.

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