Monday, September 11, 2023

Wednesday, Sept 12 and the Days After

 The Days After.... 

In a matter of 24 hours the world and history gears shifted. Shifted dramatically. 

Wednesday Sept 12 at the Vicksburg District foreshadowed what was to come in the following weeks,and remaining months what would be shaped into the World of Post 9/11. For some us post 9/11 isn't far off. We remember what happened the day after at work,home, in large towns, small towns Tuesday 9/11 had a dramatic effect some subtle,some in plain sight. 

At work it's as if the Army side had taken over since the events of the day before. A war mode I sense was settling in. As that sense became a reality one of my late grandfather who died of a heart attack popped in my mind and Daddy Bill Harrison as we called him remain with me. U might say it was a way of coping. But historically I went back to December 7,1941. Pearl Harbor had been bombed by the Japanese in a surprise attack. I couldn't help think how Daddy Bill and my late grandmother Mary Will reacted when they heard news over the radio. 

Unlike my late grandfather, my own experince was different: I grew up with television sets. I saw the rubble of ground zero of WTC in real time. With over 2,000 lives lost some compared it to the number of lives lost at Pearl Harbor. For some this Al Qaeda terrorist attack was hard to grasp. Unbelievable. And for some New Yorkers who had family members who worked at the World Trade Center, they wanted to know of thier remains. Some found solstice others didn't. The country was in Grief. 

However at work, things did resume somewhat normal. Contracts taken care, of mail taken care of etc. Gradually I was developing a self awareness of my own enviroment around me. But it wasn't paranoid. I dismissed the 9/11 truthers with their conspiracy theories. For 9/11 hit hard in the gut even in the days after. One thing when I check the mail in the fall,at time of Anthrax scare, I open letters to make sure there wasn't no anthrax powder. I didn't open all I would hold them against the light to see anything out of the ordinary. Also I would read letter addresses for anything written incorrectly that could also stand out as clue to a threat. Miliatry side was stepping with thier own security procedures for the time being. 

Here's another fact those of us USACE district Vicksburg we didn't have our threatcon orders sent DC HQ on what security procedures to take. SO we acted on our own for the time being. During my tenure with the Army Corps I learned Counter Terrorism training on all levels. Purpose to make you self aware in certain sitiuations outside the Duty Station. I passed with high marks everytime. Other security procedures were in temporily in place outside cyber sites where we could read out personal emails were temporily blocked for fear of a cyber attack. Inconvient but nessecessary. 

For remaining work days after Sept 11 Security gradually set in. Some by habit others for nesscissity. Like Magnatomers for example. Yes, the days that followed that's how the world changed. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sept 10th the Day Before 9/11

 Long ago history back...

Looking back twenty two years ago on Monday September 10, 2001. What I recall of the day before it was the beginning of what I thourght would be a routine working week. I was working with USACE Vicksburg District, Contracing. 

I work on flex time often from 730am to 430 pm. So work that day was routine. Very routine by my perspective. I knew what to do in the office and I often knew what business my contract specialists, procrument clerks wanted. I knew district hq like the back of my hand and with contracing in the final month of wrapping up its fiscal business, things can get busy quickly. I've been with Contracing since 1988. By that time I had been with Contracting and with USACE for 13years. Looking back it sounded incredible and time rolls fast. 

What I recall since I was a GS 2 procurement clerk, us clerks were seperate in another room. It would be a few years later in post 9/11 us clerks would be together with our other professionals across the hall. Day to day work varied: from walking a an award contract to contract bid results. I never sat still. I was often on my feet doing something. Shredding for the Division Chief or replacing print toner in HP printters which I knew by model,make. serial number. At times I took breaks but not all the time. I was a phone call away and I handle business when needed. 

But that Monday was routine. I was in the local break room looking for a snack or drink when one my friends from another division came in. She told me of a chain emial. It was bizarre and from an Arab. How she described the wording I found it bizarre. We both brush it off but the chain email related to what was going down on Tuseday Sept 11. I brushed off. 

Since that Chain email I learned that on that Monday several chain emails related to Sept 11 came out. I read that chain email since I was told about it. I didn't see any clues or forehadowing to any terrorist attack on Tuesday Sept 11. 

At the time I found it bizarre. as the work day came to a close I forgot about that chain email. 

However Tueday Morning Sept 11 was going to be a different work day. Yet none of us didn't know what tommorrow as going to bring. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sept 11th 20years Later

 I got out of bed at 7:30 AM. 

Once I  got to the den, I look at the window: clear blue September sky,leaves changing colors falling on the green lawn here in the countryside. This morning reminded me of Tuesday morning Sept 11th of 20 years ago, a normal working morning. 

For those of us who lived September 11th, the horrific memory doesn't leave you. The video image, the photographs are as visceral, uncomofortable as they were twenty years ago. Yet the such memories don't leave you, the video of the second plane striking the North Tower stays with you. The collaspe of the South and North Tower which happen 20 years ago in real time, real space. The collaspe itself is as horrifice as the strike against the towers. Where 3,000 lives had been lost and remarkably 2,000 lives from the towers were saved by those who went back in the tower,gutsy security employees who rushed people out and onto the streets. At the Pentagon civilian and military who rushed back in to carry out the burning wedge. It's those images that people don't forget. 

Hence the motto and hastag you see on Twitter: #NeverForget. 

Outside of Manhattan,New York City and Washington DC, there are a lot us who haven't forgotten Sept 11th. When that first plane hit the first tower violently even I wasn't sure what what was going on at first. Then 9:03am, on television in real time, real space the world was jarred and for lot of us who were at work at various time zones, our own small world came to a crashing halt. As I would later learn the whole world in real time, real space thier own world too came to crashing halt. 

In a matter of 102 minutes, like some short surreal film, four planes had been hijacked and used as missles by Al Qaeda. What most ppl don't know preplanning of several years it took pull off of what we know and live as September 11th. The tragic maginitude of the attack,the falling towers and new yorkers running from the smoke, someone remembers something no matter where they are of what happened within that 102 minutes. 

In my own historical reasearch, I came across the paranormal as well. One of  Brits who was visiting the World Trade Center,a few days before had a preminition of his death on Sept 11th, I wouldn't be surprise there are many more stories like this. On the ground in New York City during the maelstrom many people believed they saw the Mothman. I saw the photograph and that photo is questionable at best. Another fact some have reported ghosts, others reported hearing voices at Ground Zero. There have been tales of ghosts as well at the crash site of Flight 93. 

Theses are the facts you come across in the larger broad history of September 11th. Sometime in the post security new normal of 9/11 had became a 9/11 historian honestly by accident. It started with the photobooks,then graduatly  I moved into the personal accounts of September 11 which are as much of history as photos and videos are. At the time I wanted to learn more what happen on September 11th. To those of you who were young or born after 2000, September 11th is bigger than you can comprehend and those of us lived that morning we got to know what happen. Yet to those who lived in New York City it hits them up close and personal. They will tell you so. 

Let me conclude to those in acdemia who want to whitewash September 11th. 

There are lot of us who are alive and still remember. We not just remember where we were and what were doing, some of us know the actual facts of September 11th which might you perhaps closed your mind too. I know what Monday September 10th like so maybe those who wish to whitewash and play with historical fact, well you have a lot to learn yourself about September 11th and some of us just will ask you that question: WHERE WERE YOU TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH,2001. Facts are facts of what happen you can't erase. I guarantee you someone will confront you with that Inconvient Fact of history. 

And whitewashers, history has ways revealing embarrassing secrets like Pandora opening her box. 

What happen on Sept 11th twenty years ago you'll will not change for the facts of what happened are written in stone like the facts of the D Day Invasion during the latter days of World War Two. 

20 Years later...beyond I leave with the hastag: 


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Last Days of Earth

 North Texas Spring 2023AD 

The Pandamic Plague had ravaged the earth and wreck and up ended societies as we know it. Riots of various sort followed and damaged permentantly the sustainability of largest cities on the planet. Yes,everyone in Society had been victim of the plague and the riots. 

Hoever,that isn't as true as one think. 

Here in North Texas, my young redhair wife Nancy and  I have been part of a new program. The colonization of the moon. China,Russia,Federation and other countries who cities have suffered,those that survived have found a way out. Even Washington DC has lost population and knowledge due to the colonization program. That population powershift has made even mayors of the large cities especially here in the states, not as powerful as they once were. Even rumors have been flying that even city council members have been retiring for thier own power has been reduced. Those along the East and West Coast populace corridors see thier power dwindling. It's as if the pandemic plague has reveal strength and weakness in society and governance. 

As for my lovely redhair wife Nancy who has bright beautiful brown eyes,sharp mind, a dancer and fitness professional by heart, here at the small ranch, we both had this intution that earth itself could facing her last days. Now today as our ranch house AI goes through the process of shutting down the house permantly to be sold. We took care of our last minute details befor our own departure to the new frontier, the moon. For us this morning these final are our own last days on Earth and North Texas. Our own final days and weeks Nancy and I did everything from go away parties by our close friends and doing things we love to do. Sometimes together,sometimes seperate. 

This late morning Nancy and I relax on our old coutch we move under the shade tree along with our duffle bags. You see we packed light for this long trip. It's a beautiful late morning,Nancy lays her head on my shoulder. "Waiting drive me nuts," she quips. 

"Waiting has always drove you nuts," I add with my sense of humor. I stroke her glossy shoulder length redhair. She checks her Samsung Smartwatch. "The SpaceX jet should be landing here in next half hour." 

"I know.Hard to believe we're leaving for the moon." I say. 

"Yeah I love the late morning and early early afternoon horse rides we took." 

I kiss her. "I miss them too." 

Half an hour later...

The SpaceX passenger VSTOL lands at the makeshiff pad in front of us. The electric power exec jet lands gently and we gather our things as we now embark on our new venture. Before boarding we look back at our Victorian ranch home for the last time. Then we turn and climb on board the executive electric power VSTOL. 

In a few hours we'll be leaving the gravitiy of earth. For Nancy and I a new frontier is ahead. It's as if for us the Moon is our new Manifest Destiny.The VSTOL changes her path and we see the ranch for our final time...

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Echos of Apollo

This afternoon something wonderful happened.
Something that makes the Riots and Pandemic small in the  larger scheme of the universe.
 A rocket launch.
A rocket launch which Echoed Apollo Man Missions of the late 60s and 70s.

Demos 2 AKA Dragon had its first two astronaunt  mission this afternoon.
Demos 2 as it's called was bult by SpaceX and her familiar capsule Dragon carried two astronaunts into low earth orbit this afternoon. The Falcon 9 blasted off Pad 39A at Cape Kennedy,Florida,the Space Coast. Unlike the NASA Saturn V,and later the Space Shuttle,Falcon 9 appeared smaller than the old Saturn V rockets of 60years ago.
When Falcon 9 roared off the pad this afternoon suddenly everything like riots and pandemic disappeared from my own psyche. Within a few minutes Falcon 9 was in space it's first stage separated and 9minutes later the final stage separated from the Dragon.
At that momet,that second,everything earthbound didn't matter. Dragon is now in earth orbit,below the rioters,which to the astronaunts they're minutely small in vast cold expanse of space. Dragon is headed toward ISS Space Station.

Update this morning:
Dragon has made a successful dock with the ISS Space Station in orbit above. No word from the two astronauts who successful docked with the station overnight. That's the best news.

Historical note:
In December of 1968,the first  three man Apollo Capsule orbited the Moon successfully. I recall it like yesterday becouse I was young kid then and  I watch the legacy news cover it under achorship of Walter Cronkite.
 Yesterday,was a Echos of Apollo and by 2024 NASA will have thier Project Artemis in orbit around the moon.
 Just a concluding reminder Space is infinite and our problems on this small world call Earth are miniscule in the larger scheme of the Universe and the stars around us. Just a thought,that make you think.

Monday, April 20, 2020

How Did I learn I'm GenXer

The wayback memory data server kicks in. A supped up Ferrari Tesstrosa shoots through the neve data centers searching for something specific. The automated Testrosa stops its outolights flip open and with laser precesion it finds the memory light data of decade. The Testrosa fires the nerve light data back to the WayBack Memory server and the red lights spark up and down the server nerves..
The nerve data file opens...
It's vague on location but specifics come to light:
The 90s the last decade of the Twentith Century....

I was in bookstore I don't remember its name as for the location all I can it's vague at best. It could be in Bookland in Pemberton Mall now gone. Or another bookstore in Jackson,Ridgeland Ms but all I know it was a bookstore. That's where I came across it. At the time when bookstores,box bookstores in retail were still around. I don't recall what year but I know the decade for I know it was the 90s. Some ten years from the beginning of the new Millinnium. I was in early 30s too. But since I love to read I would explore a bookstore like Indiana Jones would explore archeligical site. In my case something new and interesting.
 I don't recall what section of the bookshelves that I came across this particular book. A paperback. I don't recall the author's name but I remember the title:

So I browse through the book. Taking my time. What I read was interesting as I read some then I made the connections. They leaped out. I can't recall what I read once done I bought it. But the author too made mistakes in his own book too.

When it came to us Xer's as I read it, he didn't want to count in those of us born in 1961. I later learned for example that those of us born in in 61 was problematic for Generation experts. Frankly I in my opioin the Gen Experts who study and research generations make mistakes. Some have called those of us born in 1961 "The Filler Generation." It's a term I disagree with. For I saw it in yahoo coments on a news article I read. At the time Generation X was written in thee 90s, some generation experts had already grouped those us born in 1961 as Baby Boomers. That's where I caught the mistake. I don't want to touch on much details about it but my memory had recalled then that had been young child growing up in the 60s, that I wasn't part of Woodstock,the anti Vietnam War movement and other movesments that made the 1960s a turbelant decade.
 Witthin ths book too I made the connection to the traits which I couldn't remember. But the author was funny too,wrote that some of us Xer's well in our older age would be enjoying hip hop and rap.
 Er wrong.
Well this older Gen Xer enjoys 80s Miami Vice, Jan Hammer and cool 80s pop tune like The Boys of Summer by Don Henley. By the way I still love movies on the screen too and cool iTunes soundtracks.
I'll wrap up with this nickname my dad gave me: A Gentleman and A Scholar. One word of advice to you GenZer's who called us GenXer's The Karen Generation. You don't know how a large majority of us grew up nor do you know our personal experinces. Get my Drift?
 So ponder the phrase.
For now signing off.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Being a GenXer in The Time of Pandemic


For years,decades we Generation Xer's have been ignored.
Then on the Yahoo News Portal several news suddenly appeared. So I linked into one of them.
It appears some journos have discovered who are resilent during quarantine. Yes,resilient. The word in the headline leaped out like neon on a movie marquee.

It now appears the generation ignored,the generation I'm damn proud to be a in,has emerged as the strong one. Where Millinniels are in a panic,GenZer's are partying for spring break on a Florida beach as the Wuhan Virus is reaking havoc,chaos and death upon the world,us GenXer's are doing and holding up rather well during ordered quaratines,shut ins.
A crash history: a majority of us Generation Xer's have been shut ins,latchkey kids while our parents worked. Some of us took care of ourselves: did our schoolwork, took care of the chores around the house while some of us grew up to adulthood.
As for myself,born in 1961,when  JFK was president to my adulthood when President Ronald Reagon was elected at the beginning of the 80s. I do remember the 70s during my high school years and I recall some of Watergate,the Iranian Hostage crisis which all happened under Jimmy Carter. I can even tell you the 70s was a dull decade unlike the 1960s. Yet as I sailed throught the late 70s,I graduated from High School Class of 1980. What I recall about this time the spring of 80, I gor my braces off and everyone in my senior class saw me very differently. Including my close friends. You see I graduated on a Friday Night in May of 1980. For that Saturday,the day after graduated from high school, Mount St. Helens exploded. I saw it on Saturday 530 network news. At that time cable was in infancy; there was no internet nor smartphones. The world was so retro then and fun.
 The 80s this GenXer like all GenXer's came of age in. I can go on about the 1980s it was a cool decade to go to college in. I graduated Hinds Jr College Class 83. I have an Associate Arts degree and I have been to University but I didn't complete my degree. By heart I'm a film buff and film was my major; yet in college I studied Advertising,Art Appreciation,creative writing,Journalism and television broadcasting too. During the 90s my aunt in Texas introduce me to travel and on my first trip to mexico,Puerto Vallarta, was my first trip outside the US. That was just the beginning. In the early 2000s,I've traveled to Europe twice,the Caribbean and Key West,South Florida. The world opened my eyes. For everytime I came home from a trip, I would where I was born,Vicksburg Ms, very differently. Travel will do that to your mind.
 As for this quarantine,I'm doing all right. I'm not depressed,not angry. I'm actually shy but in person I'll talk your ear off. I keep my mind occuppied in a variety of ways.
  U other GenXer's on the Wuhan Virus front: keep up the battle where ever you are. Just remember we're resilient.